The Generalate of the CSST is located at Geddalahalli – Bangalore. The administration of a fast spreading congregation was becoming difficult to administer from one central location – Bangalore. By 1982, the congregation had moved into the remote and the backward areas of different parts of India and abroad. In 1982 the General Chapter decided to divide the Congregation into 4 regions (a geographical division) for easy and better administration. Each of these 4 Regions were put under the charge of Regional Superiors (nominated) who worked in close collaboration with the Superior General. Sr. Bertille was the first Regional Superior of Karnataka Region who continued to lead the Province till it was raised to the status of a Province. The General Chapter of 1988 raised the regions into Provinces. Sr. Firmina was elected (July 30th 1989) as the first Provincial Superior of Karnataka. With the greater administrative freedom the Province was able to answer the call of its people at the regional and local level.
July 30th 1989, Sr. Firmina was elected as the first Provincial Superior of Karnataka.